No ear more fever...Just congested...
We're not really sure what is going on. I'll most likely make a chiro appointment for this week (ok, for both of us!) ;-) And talk with her about it...
Update on the doctor...
Posted by Unknown at 8:40 PM 0 people have shared!
Monday with the boys
Keaton has been talking shapes lately (but don't ask him to say "Shape"...that's not what it sounds like...yikes!) He's got "ti-angle", "circ-ul" and "quare" ...he occasionally says "tar" (star) and even once blurted out "die-ond" ( one named "Ond" needs to fear for their life!)
Also, B has been running a low-grade fever all weekend. Been abnormally fussy (for his 'normal' self...totally normal for his new found separation anxiety self, haha!) Last night, we had a really rough night. Zach suggested I take him in, after reminding me that the last time he had an ear infection, 1) we had no idea and 2) it was so bad by the time we got him in. We're hoping to avoid that this time. His appointment is at 930 this morning.
Posted by Unknown at 8:49 AM 1 people have shared!
Topics: Ear Infection, vocabulary
"They're Green"
The other day I happened into a "box store" that we all know and have a love/hate relationship - I won't mention any names...
I was doing 2 weeks worth of grocery shopping and needed a couple of house ware items - one thing specifically, a spray water bottle.
I looked in every conceivable place and finally asked a helpful associate. She grumbled something about "a bunch of them" being near the ironing boards. I went to look and couldn't find them anywhere. So I continued to wander around, I'm sure with a frazzled/angered expression on my face. Finally, I gave up. I was tired of being in this MART of sorts... ;-) I hate going there in general, and after about 90 minutes of searching...I mean shopping, I was fed up. I asked another associate who asked in reply, "Didn't she tell you where they were?" I explained that she did, but I couldn't find them anywhere.
So instead of simply walking me to them, she walks me towards the associate#1 and asks if she had told me - did she not believe me?
Associate#1 said, "I did..." and looking at me, "They are near the ironing boards." I calmly (but I'm sure, snidely) replied, "Yes, I understood that, but I couldn't find them, so I'm back asking you to show me where they are."
She said, "They're green..."
At this point - I know I'm losing my mind. Green water bottles should stand out, right??? I apologize (for what???) and ask her if she could just, please, show me where they were.
She sighed as she put down her Coke (obviously, I was taking her away from a very important task!) and walked me 4 feet away from where she was standing to point to something that resembled this:On it was a tag that had the "reduce, recycle, reuse" symbol, among other things that made it "green."
All I could say was, "Ohhhh, green, as in environmentally friendly!"
She looked at me like I was a dummy for thinking anything else and she said, ""
Stupid me!
Posted by Unknown at 12:44 PM 4 people have shared!
Topics: Environmentally friendly, rants, WalMart
Just a cute story to start your Monday...
Keaton has always loved saying "Ready? GO!" But last night, at small group, he finally got the middle part to it...granted it was while jumping down the steps! haha!!
"READY SET GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Of course, that was one of the first thing we heard this morning...
Atleast someone is ready for Monday!
Posted by Unknown at 11:50 AM 0 people have shared!
Topics: K, vocabulary
When babywearing goes bad....
B's big ol butt was sticking out...Yes it is what you think.....
Once it was ALL swept up, it amounted to roughly 2.5 cups of rice...
I really didn't want it for lunch after that!
Posted by Unknown at 1:59 PM 3 people have shared!
Topics: baby wearing
New sling
I still love my wrap, but lately, my hotsling has been more helpful. I decided that I needed to get another one (b/c B spit up all over ours yesterday which meant washing...then line drying...yeh, separation anxiety doesn't wait for slings to line dry...) So, I started scouring craigslist (as a new one can cost upwards of $5o) I found one that I had seen when I was originally shopping for slings - for all of $18 - can't beat that!! (well, there were ones cheaper - but this one is a beaut!) :)
I took advantage of the beautiful sunshine/natural light to do an impromptu photo shoot...I want to frame all these!!!
In other news, we spent the afternoon watching basketball - making sure we picked the right teams ;-) So far I'm doing great!
Posted by Unknown at 5:59 PM 6 people have shared!
Topics: baby wearing, etsy, hotsling, kendi wrap, separation anxiety, wrap
I have been published!!
Haha! No, I haven't been writing a book in my "spare" time ;-) I submitted a post for The Cloth Diaper Whisperer (the blog for Kelly's Closet) all about our favorite and least favorite cloth diapers - I'm fully prepared to take any & all stone thrown my way for hating BumGenius diapers - bring em ;-)
You can find my post here along with some adorable pictures of our boys! ;-)
Don't forget, I am an affiliate for Kelly's Closet, so if you're in the market for some fluff, click on the link down on the right, below the traffic feed, or here, to make sure I get credit for your order!! My boys' bums appreciate it! The Cloth Diaper Whisperer also has fantastic giveaways every week!!! My friend Whitney was oh so lucky to win one week for her sweet girl, Sophia!!!
Speaking of babies - it was a boom this past week. My friend Heather had her sweet girl, Charlotte, last Sunday. On Monday, John & Becca welcomed Raelyn into the world. They have had a long hard week & would appreciate your prayers! And Jessica & Brandon welcomed Annie into the world yesterday evening! whew! Lots of new sweet babies!
Posted by Unknown at 1:38 PM 4 people have shared!
Topics: babies, blog, Cloth Diapers, kelly's closet
7 months!!
I can not believe it! I know I say that every time, but, really I can't!
The latest -
He had squash today...he really liked was all thanks to my Magic Bullet, good grief, I love that thing!!!
He isn't crawling, thank goodness!!! But this kid can scoot across the room like you wouldn't believe. Zach compared him to the way gymnasts move their legs around on the horse...
He's not really doing anything "new"...other than suffering from a MAJOR case of separation can't walk more than a foot away (if you're lucky) with out him screaming bloody murder! I'm SO thankful for my hotsling these days...
Our lil, excellent sleeper took a turn for the worst and we've been having to get mean and let him cry it out here lately...he's not "adapting" as well as Keaton did when we let him cry (that took 2 nights and we never looked's been about...a month now...haha!) ...speaking's not going so well at the moment and I think I need to intervene...
Posted by Unknown at 7:57 PM 1 people have shared!
Topics: 7months, baby wearing, CIO, homemade baby food, milestones, Monthly update, squash
Poo-poo on the potty!!!
That's right! Keaton pooped on the potty!!!!
I don't know all the details, maybe Zach can respond and correct anything, but he was giving K a bath...and the next thing I hear is, "Good job, bud!!!!!!!!!! Mama - Keaton pooped on the potty!!!!!!"
I'm thinking I really have to break down and potty train the kid - he was SO excited!
I gave him a small piece of chocolate and he kept signing more. I explained that he had to poop on the potty again to get more chocolate. He pointed to the potty again but then immediately wanted back in the tub (the kid loves bath time, haha!) I have to figure out a potty training method...other than the "avoiding" approach I've been taking, haha!
Posted by Unknown at 7:53 PM 1 people have shared!
Topics: Potty Training/Potty Learning
Some videos...
I've taken these over the past couple of days...
1. The song Keaton is singing is his Star Wars theme (thanks to our Wii) :)
2. Yes, he is always that active
3. Yes, Benjamin always stares at him like that - he LOVES his big brother!!!
Here is Benjamin in his jumperoo...Doesn't he look like he could star in the next tour of River Dance??
More pictures...
A common sight in our home, usually heard with, "Keaton, you're going to get hurt..." And then Keaton screaming bloody murder...
Zach's parents were in town and the weather was amazing, combine that with Uncle Mark's tennis match next to a playground - time to "Sliiiiiii" (slide)
We introduced carrots on Saturday - do I need to say it? He loves them! I really posted this to show off his chunky thighs ;-)
Zach's parents brought Keaton some plastic Easter eggs. I finished off the eggs this morning making some banana bread...I handed K the carton - this is what I caught him doing....
Posted by Unknown at 12:19 PM 4 people have shared!
Topics: carrots, Freezer Meal Swap, homemade baby food, park, pictures, solids
23 Months (and a day!)
I didn't get to this yesterday...we're still fighting the crud! Zach has it now! ugh...I can tel it is indeed on it's way out though! Finally!
1 more month and my sweet baby will be 2!!!!!! I can not believe it!
I've been making a list of all of Keaton's words to take to his 2 year appointment. I sent them to Zach's mom (she's a speech pathologist) and she was very impressed with his vocab. He's a chatter box, but most of it is in Keatonese :) I'll post the official list when we have his appointment.
He has really been into animal sounds lately, particularly chickens/roosters! He walks around "Er er errrrrr"ing all day, haha!
He loves (always has, but especially as of late) helping me in the kitchen, with laundry & of course taking care of B. (putting bottles in the sink, getting burp cloths, handing me diapers, etc...)
B is definitely his favorite toy! I love watching them interact - these boys are hysterical!
He loves "reading" to me, but will sit for book after book after book if I'm reading.
He's wearing 2 & 3T clothing.
We're planning & getting ready for his party! And that's about it!
Happy 23 months & a day, bud!
Posted by Unknown at 10:44 AM 2 people have shared!
Topics: 23 months, Monthly update, vocabulary
The cruddy, infected, croupy house
We're all still the above...
Keaton is doing MUCH better. He still has his cough, but his eyes - no more infection. He is still pulling on his ear, so I know that is still bothering him and our chiro "set" his toe yesterday - he laughed really for the first time since Sunday - guess it still bothered him!
Benjamin still has his yucky cough, though it's no longer "seal-like" ...I'm wondering if he REALLY had croup or just a bad cough?? He too, is still pulling on the ear. He got adjusted as well yesterday.
I am getting better...just a lot of drainage...I did go to the dr. yesterday and was diagnosed with "The Crud" - nice huh? Basically, a bit of flu, bit of sinus infection and a bit of your common cold...lovely. The dr. wrote me a prescription for some cough medicine because that (on top of my super, sore throat) was my 'worst' symptom...The pharmacist warned me that it may make me drowsy...
I came home and took it around 1030...I laid down around 1115 or so (apparently - because I don't really remember it) and woke up around 130. Also, apparently, Zach was asking me questions...and I was answering! Nice, huh?? Needless to say, I will only be getting that medication at bedtime! ;-)
Posted by Unknown at 7:24 PM 2 people have shared!
The never ending saga
B's cough turned into that "seal" sound mother's that have experienced croup tell you about...I didn't want to be that mom, but we now own a seal - and with K's cough, it's starting to turn into a pack of seals!
B also has a horrible ear infection...
Zach stayed home today to help me out and it's been a HUGE help!
B is crying...must run
Posted by Unknown at 2:09 PM 2 people have shared!
Topics: croup, Ear Infection, Sick kids
Does it ever end?
Well, you've been reading how Keaton is sick...
I woke this morning feeling awful ...and got worse as the day progressed...
Around 2pm, Keaton was standing on his toy dump truck...which we tell him over and over not to do - he was actually trying to be helpful and put the Wii controller back where it belongs, haha! Well, he slipped off and landed on his foot funny. It immediately started to swell along the top of his foot. He could move his toes, but he'd scream if we pressed on it or if he stood on it. Of course our pedi's urgent care closes at 12noon, so Zach rushed him to another urgent care center near our apartment.
While he was gone, Benjamin napped in the hotsling while I played Wii Tennis ;) When he woke up, he started in on a nasty cough...
I immediately broke down in tears.
Thankfully, K's foot is ok. It's bruised on top, and obviously sore for K to walk on it, but no broken bones - he did get his first x-rays!
So K, B and I are sick - thankfully Zach is avoiding it so far! He's talking about taking a sick day tomorrow to help me...if he stays home, one of us will take B to the dr. to check out his cough because it's really bad...
Pray for us (and my sanity...)
Posted by Unknown at 7:46 PM 2 people have shared!
Topics: baby wearing, Sick kids, Wii
Pork chop & Apple Casserole
As promised... here it is.
Posted by Unknown at 11:58 AM 2 people have shared!
Topics: Freezer Meal Swap, recipes