Despite being a little congested, B had a very smiley morning :) It made for a great day :) He also decided it was about time to participate in tummy time & actually lift his head & look around. He really is our chill baby - K was rolling by 6 weeks, so having B just lay there has been crazy! The differences between the two just make me laugh :)
What is going on here, you ask? Dr. Davis suggested putting K in front of the freezer to help w/ his congestion...great idea unless your child is as curious as K! This lasted all of 3 seconds ...so much for that tactic!! :)
What is going on here, you ask? Dr. Davis suggested putting K in front of the freezer to help w/ his congestion...great idea unless your child is as curious as K! This lasted all of 3 seconds ...so much for that tactic!! :)
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