Everything keeps falling through and it's beyond frustrating! Zach had a great chat with the housing director and we basically got an "extension" (of about 2.5 more weeks to find something) so please be praying that the right house at the right price in the right (safe!) place will show up at the right time.
We had a fairly busy week, on top of Keaton teething (nothing new) and me fighting some serious allergies along with all our doctor's visits!
Today we helped Chris & Christina move into their adorable new duplex (OK, Zach helped. I had a multitude of contractions while chasing Keaton!) ;-)
Zach just left to go see Iron Man with a friend from his class. Keaton is asleep. It's storming. Life is great! :)
I finally decided how I want to do Benjamin's room (when he has a room! haha) Some wonderful family members (Thank you Lezlie & Keno!!!!) are giving us a crib their daughter used. It happens to be a white crib. I'm going to find some blue sheets and pair that with brown & blue items throughout the room. If I have my way (haha!) ;-) we'll be able to paint before he's born and I'd like to do the top portion of the walls white (so when we put up pictures they'll pop!) and then have a blue/white/brown border and then do blue & brown (VERY WIDE) stripes on the bottom portion...so we'll see! ;-)
I'm going to sit and enjoy the storm now in the silence :)
Still without a place to move to....
Posted by Unknown at 6:47 PM 0 people have shared!
28 Week OB Appt. Yesterday
It went great! I had an ultrasound scheduled (at our "anatomy scan" we found out that I had a low-lying placenta and Dr. Segal wanted to make sure that it had moved where it needed to (up and back, I think!) We also wanted to check on Benjamin's size and position.
There was great news all around!
First thing we checked on was the position of my placenta - it is where ever it needs to be! :) Great news!
Next, we checked out Benjamin's position - he is very much head down! (He has been transverse (ie: sideways) for a couple of weeks now, after bing breech) Dr. Segal made a comment about him feeling like he was going to fall out (like HE would know!! haha!)
Benjamin is measuring right on track for 28 weeks (and 5 days) - another good thing!
I am NOT due end of July (thank goodness!) We're still on track for a mid-August delivery!
So that's the latest on baby Benjamin!
Posted by Unknown at 9:18 AM 1 people have shared!
And we're back home
What a whirlwind weekend!
After church on Sunday, Keaton took a nice long nap to gear up for laps. Laps through the living room, down the short hall, through the kitchen, through the dining room and back through the living room. Zach and I managed to miss this adventure as we were at Wal*Mart getting goodies for grilling out. Keaton wore his grandparents out!!!
We filled up his baby pool, stripped him nekked and let him play. He didn't like it too much at first (I think it reminded him of a bath) but, it didn't take long before he was in and out of the baby pool and streaking through their front yard (quite a hilarious sight to see!) :)
We grilled out for dinner and Keaton went down with out a fight (yay! - one point for parents & grandparents!)
Today, he just ran some more, indoors and out and wore himself out! He took a nice long nap in the car on the way home, and while he was awake, he told his sippy cup all about his dreams (or something...we're not quite sure WHAT he was talking about!) :)
We got home, had some dinner and he is now, sleeping soundly away in his OWN crib! Finally :)
Our big accomplishment for the weekend: For the first time, we used cloth diapers while traveling!!!! (We did disposables at night, like we always do, but we made it all weekend!) We were very proud of ourselves (ok, maybe just I am! haha!) :)
We think Keaton may be doing some more teething. I'm glad he's getting it out of the way, but seriously, I feel so bad for him. He'll be asleep in the car seat and I'll look back to check on him and he's got this look of anguish on his face...and there isn't a thing I can do about it!
I apologize for no pictures. Our camera is dying (which is a sad, sad day in the Jones' house!) so, we may be pictureless for a bit :(
Off to finish laundry and unpacking. There's a busy week ahead (of course!)
Posted by Unknown at 7:09 PM 0 people have shared!
Crazy start to a busy (but fun!) weekend!
Well, we'd been waiting since Christmas (atleast) for Zach to have a day off from work so we could come home to VA and see family and a few close friends. Finally, that time arrived! Our plan was to head out after Zach got off work on Friday afternoon, go to/spend the night at my mom's house and then Sat. evening head down to his parents house for the rest of the weekend.
So, I managed to get us all packed (clothes-wise) with Keaton running around like a mad man. However, my plan was to finish that packing during his afternoon nap on Friday. I had a chiro appt and when got home, ate lunch, and as sleepy as he was, he wouldn't give in. Right about the time I had decided I was giving in and he WAS taking a nap, I got a text from Zach and it said something along the lines of, "How about I leave work at 1 and we hit the road early?" I just laughed thinking that would be a great idea, however, he wasn't *supposed* to get off until 330pm. Back and forth texting ensued and before I knew it, he was on his way home and I was running around like the mad man, Keaton was totally content watching Noggin and laughing at me. I managed to get us all packed by the time Zach got home and we headed out!
We got to my mom's around 530pm and let Keaton get out his energy while chasing around the cats. Every time the friendly cat, Tigger, would come near him, he'd squat in front of her, point at her and scream, "KITTY CAT!" it was fabulous!!! Kramer hid most of the time we there!
Saturday we went to see Great-Grandma Connie and she was just amazed at him & his busyness (as am I...every single day!)
We then went to Macado's in Roanoke (something I'd been craving since I found out I was pregnant!) and met a sweet friend, Margaret, there. It was so fun to catch up with her and Keaton was definitely enjoying even more attention from someone (my little ham!) He even had his first pickles! He loved them!!!! He just went to town chomping on those things!
After that we headed back to my moms to get Keaton down for a nap...then it was mommy time! Before I got married, my mom would often pay for me to get massages by the lady who gets her accounting firm through tax season :) Since we moved, I've not had that luxury...but mommy treated me to a full hour and it was SO nice. Zach even got a break because Keaton napped for 90 minutes (why doesn't he ever do that for me?! haha!) So that was wonderful!
After that, we packed up and headed down to Collinsville where Keaton had a living room of toys waiting for him. He played hard and crashed hard (after fighting sleep hard! There's just SO much to do!!!)
This morning - Church and then playing in the baby pool all afternoon (and mommy is getting some sun!) :-D
I'm sure over the next two days there will be many more adventures from our crazy son :)
Posted by Unknown at 6:28 AM 0 people have shared!
#6 & random things
That's right!!! He's symmtrical (in my mind!) ;-) And I think we actually (hopefully) may be done with teeth for a bit. I sure hope so. This screaming and non-sleeping...it's getting rough! I can't see anymore trying to make their appearance, so we shall see!
We're going to be looking at a house (hopefully) tomorrow because we have to make a decision to housing (should we stay or should go now?!) by June 1st. Neither of us want to spend another minute in this apartment, however, we don't want to jump at the first opportunity. This house is a rental, but it is SUPER cute and near a dear friend of mine with a sweet little boy! :) So we would have lots of fun living just a few houses away from them!!! :)
Keaton's Aunt Meg & Uncle Mark got him a "laptop" for his birthday since he loves ours so much! ;-) It plays some songs and teaches 1,2,3 and A,B,C. However, the best part is EVERY time you open it, some lady (that's key, I think!) says, "Hey! Let's Play!" (or something...you'd REALLY think I would know by now!) But everytime (up until today, that is) Keaton opened it, he'd get this amazed, "She's talking to ME!" look on his face. Today - that changed.
Laptop Lady: "Hey! Let's Play!"
Keaton: "Wow!" followed by hysterical laughter - yes, he cracks himself up! :) ((Which of course, cracks me up!))
I finally figured out how to type out the sound he's been making for about a week or so now - "adupadupadupadupadupa" He'll SCREAM it and then you'll catch him whispering ever so softly. However, this also changed today. The word is now, "ameanameanameanameana" crazy kid :) Zach keeps referring to him as Star Wars characters, so I'm sure that's only encourgaing him ;-)
Let's see...nothing else new that I know of today! It was a long, busy day (thanks to no nap Jones!) and stupid me scheduled my chiro. appt for right in the middle of his nap tomorrow. I'm awesome! So it'll be another long day!
Posted by Unknown at 7:13 PM 1 people have shared!
Babies, Babies EVERY WHERE!
I hate posting twice in one day, but I just remembered how many babies will be born in just a few short weeks! (I hope the mama's don't mind me sharing!!!!)
TOMORROW!!!!! Lindsay will be induced (unless she goes into labor before then!!!) and Judson will be entering the world (hopefully very soon!!!!)
Then, Carolina's c-section is scheduled for Thursday!!!
And June 2, Carrie will be having her c-section!!!
yay for babies!!!! Pray for all these mama's (and their hubbies and sons!) as they get ready for these babies!! (read 'babies' as "bay bays") ;-)
Posted by Unknown at 8:28 PM 1 people have shared!
All, I have to say is:
- It's been a long 3 weeks for 3 little teeth (and one sitting on the verge...)
- I don't like my baby looking so big-boyish with these chompers, however, #5 means he's almost semi-symetrical!!!!
- And maybe, JUST MAYBE, he'll be a better sleeper once #6 is in...maybe (hahahahaha)
Posted by Unknown at 8:23 PM 0 people have shared!
Some more Fingerpaint pictures
Concentrating hard!
Posted by Unknown at 8:53 PM 2 people have shared!
More info on Broccoli Nuggets
I guess I could have done a better job explaining - I was just SO excited about my iPod (which needs a name!!) and Keaton's artwork!!!
I've gotten all my "home made baby food/finger food" recipes from this site: http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/.
This particular recipe, I found here: http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/Meals.htm
Broccoli & Cheddar Cheese Nuggets
1 16-oz Package frozen broccoli, cooked, drained, and chopped
1 cup Seasoned bread crumbs (you could try using baby cereal if you want, we know it works well with "baby meatballs")
1 ½ cups Shredded cheddar cheese (please use real cheese and not a "processed cheese food" product. Try tomato & basil cheddar!)
3 Large eggs - Most pediatricians say it's ok to use whole egg in a baked good when baby is over 8-9 months old without allergies. We would recommend that you substitute 5 egg yolks for the whole eggs if serving this to those under 1 yr. Ask YOUR pediatrician!
1. Heat oven to 375. Lightly coat a baking sheet with olive oil and set aside.
2. Combine all remaining ingredients and mix well.
*Add seasonings if you like - garlic powder, pepper, extra basil & oregano for example
3. Shape mixture into nuggets or fun shapes such as squares or squigglies etc..and place on baking tray. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, turn nuggets over after 15 minutes. Serve warm
Suitable for those who have had the ingredients and for those who can handle texture and mash foods with their gums. Great for Moms & Dad too!
I did use 1/2 cup bread crumbs and 1/2 cup baby cereal (for a couple of reasons: 1) I didn't have enough bread crumbs for this AND chicken divan this week!, 2) the cereal is iron fortified, as is broccoli and these combined will really help out Keaton's iron levels!, 3) is just seemed more nutritious to use cereal as opposed to just bread crumbs! haha)
I didn't add seasonings this time because I wasn't even sure if Keaton would like this or not. Next time, I'll definitely be adding basil and garlic (he loves both!) and I might throw in some Parmesan cheese as well.
From the directions, I took it to mean to mix the broccoli and the bread/cereal mixture together. Next time (just b/c I do NOT like broccoli and it grosses me out to see it sticking out all over the place!) I will most likely make little balls of broccoli and roll those in the bread/cereal mixture (hopefully making it look like a real nugget!) :)
Posted by Unknown at 7:45 AM 1 people have shared!
Nuggets, iPod and Fingerpaint!
...and it's only 3pm!
Saturday, I made broccoli nuggets (gag) for Keaton. I hadn't had a chance to give them to him yet, so we tried them out at lunch (we meaning - I cooked, he ate!) ;-) He loved them!!! I think he ate 6 huge ones (because I over-estimated how big they'd really be! haha)
While we were eating, my surprise came...my iPod!!!!!!! Yay!!!!! (Thanks, Eric, Susan and my mom!!!!...oh and Zach too ;-) for coordinating the whole thing & buying it for me!!) He's been trying to talk me into wanting an mp3 player of sorts for years but I never found a reason for one, especially now that I have a child - when do I get to plug my ears?!? (I know when I would LIKE to sometimes!!) On the way to the beach, he was telling me that we could get an adapter and I could use it in my car, as opposed to lugging around and looking through 3 cases/roughly 250-300 CDs. That had me sold! When he told me I was getting this for Mother's Day/our anniversary, I thought I was getting a a regular mp3 player - I had NO idea he was getting me an iPod! When he told me he was, I was ever so excited :) So that is here now. I'm loading my CDs on it ...which is going to take awhile! :)
Finally. Today, we played with fingerpaints for the first time! It's something I'd been meaning to pull out for awhile, but kept forgetting. Keaton absolutely LOVED it!! I didn't enjoy cleaning him up - just as I'd get one side cleaned, he'd get paint all over himself again! It took awhile :) And there's still a spot on the back of his head, where his scalp is green! Hopefully with a bit of baby shampoo, that will come out! ;-)
There she is in all her glory! :) Yeh, it's a she, haha!
Posted by Unknown at 2:53 PM 2 people have shared!
#4 officially, another chiro appt and random things :)
...since my life is mostly made up of random things :)
Tooth #4 officially broke through (sometime between him going to bed last night and getting back from the Chiro today) And he's officially unsymmetrical and it's driving me bonkers! He's got his front, top, right tooth, NORMALLY as if Keaton ever does anything "normally" (!) the top, front, left tooth would come in next...no, not my crazy little guy! His mouth decided to let out the tooth to the right of the one in...I just want to push them to the center!
I had another chiro appt. today that went well. I'm sore after this one, but that's to be expected (supposedly!) Good news and interesting news...I'm taking both with a couple grains of salt. My chiro knows what she's doing, however, she's not an OB ;-) I asked her if she thought Benjamin was still breech and she felt around and said (feeling my lower belly), "That feels like a head..." (then moving up) "And that feels like a heiny weiny!" HAHA! So in other words - she thinks he has flipped (which is a HUGE praise!) She had a tape measure like the OBs use and she did an unprofessional measuring and looked and me and said, "You're not 29 weeks are you?" I'm supposedly 26 and a couple of days...so, I'm still measuring big. May 28th cannot get here soon enough! I want to go back and see what is going on (and just how huge Benjamin supposedly is!)
Random news:
*We have "hired" a doula (I use the term lightly as she's not really charging us - only for child care for her boys should they need someone to watch them) Long story how we met, but our first labors were very similar and both ended up in an emergency c-section. She went on to have a successful VBAC and has been a huge encouragement so far!
*My plants are still (somehow) alive! They've made it through some ferocious storms and very, very hot days!
*My "surprise" is still in NV according to FedEx tracking. I have a hard time believing that it's just sitting there. It SHOULD be here by Wednesday (if the tracking info is right!) I can't wait for it!!! I'm going to be dancing down the street to a beat in my head... Any ideas?! ;-)
I think that's it for now! No new pictures.
Posted by Unknown at 7:00 PM 0 people have shared!
My Mother's Day (weekend!)
Today marks my second Mother's Day and it was absolutely wonderful!
Saturday afternoon, I was greeted with a bouquet of pink, red & white roses! Keaton said "he'd" get me flowers, but I did not expect roses! It was a much welcome surprise! They're absolutely beautiful and I wish I could keep them alive longer than they'll stay! Zach promised me (in not so many words) ;-) A rose bush when we finally move :)
I was also given a card from Zach and one "from" Keaton - both made me smile :)
Sat. night, we had our friends/neighbors, Matt & Daisy (who is due with a girl on the same day as me!) over for dinner. It was such a great time of fellowship!
Today, we went out to Applebee's for lunch after church/after Keaton's nap. I then headed over to Carrie's where we FINALLY got to sew the Mei Tei Carrier. We didn't QUITE get it finished but not for lack of trying! Carrie did WAY more than I did and she did an amazing job! The "interchangeable front panel" still needs to be attached, but other than that, it's just finishing some stitching!
I still have one more Mother's Day "surprise" coming - it's in Nevada right now! It's a "surprise" (even though I know exactly what it is) :) so I can't tell you yet!
It was a great Mother's Day!
Below are some pictures to enjoy!
Posted by Unknown at 6:44 PM 1 people have shared!
Iron, Trouble, "Yes" & our Little Piano Man!
IRON: Well, we had Keaton's appointment this morning (where I somehow convinced one of the nurses to switch to cloth with her daughter! haha!) Keaton's iron levels were great so we don't have to give his iron supplements anymore (not that I was really faithful about it...) I did discuss with the pedi. how hard it was to work that into a schedule when it has to be more than an hour before and two hours after he eats, blah blah blah. She said the main concern was dairy with the supplements and to just give him a small amount of OJ every morning. And that would help keep his iron up.
I had the nurse weigh him and he's 20lbs. 7.4oz. Once again, she (not knowing ALL our trouble) could not figure out what the excitement was all about! But the pedi was happy as was I!
TROUBLE: I believe Keaton is giving up his morning nap...which KILLS me. I am dragging so bad today! He laid down but fussed and fussed and fussed...and fought it the entire time. He is running around like a madman right now! So maybe (yeh right) he'll take a longer/better afternoon nap...I'm SO not ready for one nap a day!
YES!: For a couple of weeks now, Keaton has been saying what we've agreed is "yes" (although it sounds like "yesh" haha) I said to him, "Keaton, are you getting mommy flowers for Mother's Day?" He looked me square in the eye, shook his head and said, "YESH!" ...we'll see on Sunday ;-)
LITTLE PIANO MAN: We're still waiting on those other teeth (I don't really want to see them, but if it'll keep Keaton from biting me, I'll take em!) One of the receptionists (that calls Keaton, "Sparky" haha) looked at him and said, "WOAH! Those gums!! They are swollen with teeth! Sparky's going to wake up looking like a piano one day!" HAHAHAA! That was awesome :)
Posted by Unknown at 10:15 AM 0 people have shared!
My Crazy *13* month old!
Right after lunch it hit me, Keaton is 13 months today! I completely didn't even think about it!
Things are pretty routine right now!
I had another chiro appt yesterday and I have been taking it a bit easier and I'm feeling great!
Keaton has an appt. tomorrow morning to get his iron levels (CBC in "the industry" haha) re-checked - hopefully they will be high enough. I'm also going to get him weighed, because I like to know those things! I think I will forever be concerned about his weight now!
He's discovered a new sound that I can't even begin to describe but it's hysterical...however, but 10am I was trying to teach him a new sound! (I will work on getting it on video, but he gets all shy & quiet when the camera comes out...)
We're working on discipline right now. He really "got" "No" awhile back, but, there's new things to discover. It's more testing his limits now. And I'm finding that I have to be firm from the beginning (which is hard to do in the middle of a contraction that almost brings you to your knees...OR if he's standing half naked, just in a cute cloth diaper and his green basket/hat on his head!)
I was so proud of him at the chiro yesterday. They've pretty much baby/child proofed the rooms and put toys in for the kids to play with, but, he'd rather play with everything else. There's this big table (with LOTS of buttons and levers) on it and I was certain he couldn't harm it or turn it on, but I did not want him touching it. He went over to it and I said, "Keaton. No sir. Do not touch." He pointed to it. Said, "No" and shook his head no and walked away! Woohoo! NOW if I can just keep him from climbing on the couch when I "run" upstairs to go to the bathroom!!! ugh!
His brother is another mover and shaker. This little guy moves all day long. We were laying in bed last night and Zach was massaging my feet (because he's awesome and does that almost every night) and I was watching TV and just enjoying feeling Benjamin move about. And then Zach says, "WOAH!" I didn't even have to see my tummy, I knew it was a big movement...I just laughed...all day...every day...He's just in there moving all around!
On Sunday, my friend Carrie and I are getting together and sewing. We've been talking about this for...5.5 months now?! We're going to make a Mei Tei carrier for when Benjamin gets here! I found the cutest fabric at JoAnne's and I can't wait to see the end result!
I can't think of anything else new at the moment...
My crazy boy - check out Jack-o-lantern mouth! ((YES it's driving me crazy...)) Giving Mommy kisses!
Love that cheesy grin (and the ADORABLE PJs!)
Here's me roughly 26 weeks pregnant with Keaton...
Here's me roughly 26 weeks with Benjamin! (And Keaton SCREAMING because I said, "NO. Do NOT touch the camera!")
Posted by Unknown at 7:27 PM 0 people have shared!
Chiropractic Adventures
Well, let me start off by saying that I totally regret not going to the chiropractor while pregnant with Keaton. Had I known it would make me feel so much better, I totally would have, but I just had no idea.
Let me also add that, maybe it's just my chiro's office, but they're...a different breed :)
At my first appointment, it was very professional, very informative, very "Doctor" like.
Dr. Davis said she wanted to see me twice a week for a couple of weeks - totally fine, whatever will work the best!
So I went Monday. I get there and tell the receptionist that I have an 11:15 with Dr. Davis. She kind looks and me and then chuckles and says, "That's right, this is only your second appointment, right?" (Atleast she remembered me!) I nodded and she went on to tell me 'how things work'...
I walk in, pick up this paper, write my name and the date on it and hand it to her and tell her my appointment time. She then gets my "chart" (which is reallly a spreadsheet with my previous appointments marked on it) and she hands that to me and tells me a room number. On my way there, I stop at a hall closet, grab a gown, put my "chart" and the paper with my name and date on it in the little box on the wall. I close the door put the gown on and wait (meanwhile, there's a basket full of toys and Keaton wants to play with everything BUT that!) Dr. Davis comes in (without knocking! haha) says hello! (this is her first meeting of Keaton) and she (of course) tells me how adorable he is and plays with him for a few minutes. She feels my back, asks me to lay down, gives me the good old popping, feels it again and says "I'll see you Wednesday..." And that was my appointment. SO glad that I'm driving 30 minutes for this!!! haha!!!
But it is SO worth it! However, I think I overdid it at a park yesterday with Keaton. I felt SO great...I was able to run after him and pick him up and be a MOM!! Shortly after we got home, I started to feel the pain again. Since I will have to wait atleast 5 days between tomorrow and the next appointment, I will be taking it MUCH easier tomorrow afternoon!
Posted by Unknown at 6:59 PM 0 people have shared!
Glucose Results and Flowers!
As promised - here is the picture of the flowers my mom bought and planted for me! We had to run out today and when I got back, it was such a nice sight to see!
Also, I got the call today - I passed my glucose test - woohoo! However my iron was low (surprise!) so I get to take the wonderful iron supplements again. I figured it would be...and hopefully this time I'll be more faithful to take those stupid pills...
Posted by Unknown at 7:22 PM 0 people have shared!
Busy couple of days!
Because BeBe was in town!!
She got in Tuesday afternoon and we headed off Croc hunting, which was a success! I found my mary jane crocs (and Zach got a pair too! - NOT Mary Jane Crocs though!) We headed to Kohl's and did a bit of shopping there and met Zach at Red Robin for dinner - he headed to class and we headed to put a very sleepy baby to bed!
Wednesday morning I had my glucose test and got to drink my yummy orange drink that had been staring at me every time I opened the fridge for the past month! Still waiting to hear the results on that. However, when Dr. Segal measured my tummy, he looked at the tape measure, he looked at me, he looked at my chart and measured me again. He said, "We have you at 24 & 4..." (Dr. speak for 24 weeks and 4 days) "But you're measuring 27 weeks..." GREAT! So either, 1) Benjamin is HUGE or 2) he's breech - NEITHER of which I want! He said we will do an ultrasound next visit and check on his size and position...now I have to wait 4 more weeks!
After that, I had to get my car inspected and we visited a local fruit stand. Then, off to JoAnne Fabrics to get some fabric to make a Mei Tei carrier with Carrie! Then Target (Keaton is SUCH a good shopper!!!!) and then finally home.
My mom graciously bought us steaks and Zach GLADLY grilled them up for us! What a yummy dinner we had!
After dinner, Zach got Keaton settled for the evening and my mom and I headed to Lowe's to buy some pretty flowers for my very empty pots outside. (The final result pictures will be showing later as I forgot to take them after her hard work!!)
Today was the day I was looking forward to and dreading all at the same time - the chiropractor. I was so scared to go but the pain had gotten so bad. There were days that I couldn't walk, couldn't pick up Keaton...it hurt to sit, stand or lay down...I was just in pain. I found a chiro. that specializes in pregnant women (I'm still trying to find the "right" way to say that!) and made an appointment for 10am today. I was almost sick to my stomach so worried about what she would do to me. I made my concerns known from the start and she was awesome (for anyone who cares - Gray Family Chiropractic off of Millbrook! Dr. Alisha Davis is who I saw) She figured out where the pain was and explained everything in great detail. She popped my back to relieve the pressure causing my sciatic nerve pain (something I try to do every night, but have YET to get it that good!) and then relieved some of the round ligament pain I was feeling.
She said for various reasons, it's going to take a while to get to feeling "right" so she wants to see me twice a week for a couple of weeks and then we'll re-evaluate. I think the best part was the "special bed" where I got to lay on my tummy and she put pressure on my legs. For those who love to sleep on their bellies (me!) It's so hard when that's taken away from you (in the form of a huge baby bump)
So that was fabulous. I'm definitely NOT scared of the chiropractor anymore (as long as I'm pregnant...I had to watch a video and I did NOT like what I saw them doing to non-pregnant women, so that's a different story!) ;-)
This afternoon, my mom graciously planted my flowers for me and she did a great job! The front of our apartment screams SPRING now! :-D
Tonight, she babysat while Zach and I had a date night to Konki, a Japanese restaurant near his work (if I drive to/past Millbrook ONE MORE TIME this week!!!!) and it was AMAZING. We stuffed ourselves beyond belief :)
BeBe is spending the night but heading out first thing in the morning.
We had such a fun time visiting!
Here's Keaton helping plant some flowers!
He started making this face at the beach...I would assume it means disgust with something, but it's always been with something he's enjoying ;-)
Posted by Unknown at 8:11 PM 1 people have shared!