
Announcing ...

Benjamin Cai Jones!!!!

the short of it all - after about 12 hours of labor (not counting all the pre-labor "labor") Benjamin made his arrival!!!

He weighed in at 8lbs. 5oz. and is 21.24inches long. He has a bunch of dark, brown hair! I think he favors Zach greatly :) And, I was able to have my completely natural VBAC!!!!

I will post more details and more pictures later but I wanted to announce him to everyone!

6 people have shared!:

Phronsie said...

Comparing the pictures there to the one of Keaton you have up there, they look a lot alike! He's so sweet, can't wait to see more of him!!

Jen @ VBACFacts.com said...

Congratulations! Enjoy your babymoon!

Unknown said...

Precious! I can't wait to meet him.

The Chilsons said...

He is handsome! Great job! Glad he is here! Can not wait to meet him!

Kelly said...

Congratulations!! He is so gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Aww welcome to the world baby Ben!