
Update on Keaton

We got him into the pedi this morning...

Time for me to vent. I'd like to make a note of how ridiculously stupid it is for there only to be 1 office open (note: our pedis office consists of 7 offices located throughout Raleigh) the day after Christmas. Could they not just be short staffed at every office? I'm thankful we got in when we did (930am) when only about 5 families were sitting in the waiting room, as opposed to 10am when there was standing room only! But still...am I the only person who sees the problem here?

ANYwho...Yesterday afternoon, Keaton was wheezing while breathing. He only had a couple episodes of this and the episodes only lasted a few minutes. He didn't seem to have trouble breathing (nor did it slow him down!) We had a long night with Keaton coughing a lot up until about 3am. He sounded great this morning, but, knowing that we were going out of town, I couldn't leave without knowing all was ok.

The pedi said that his congestion is NOT in his lungs (praise the Lord) his nose is definitely "congested" (really? the snot all over his face couldn't tell you that, you HAD to look up his nose?!)

She re-filled his Albuterol for his nebulizer and gave us a prescription for basically a "Wheezing suppressent" (Zach has the paper at work and I can't remember the name). If he starts the wheezing while breathing again, we're to start the suppressent for 5 days and see what that does.

I find it very interesting in the past couple of weeks, I've found the following things are linked to asthma in children: Tylenol, vacccinations and c-sections. (And isn't it funny...they tell you to give Tylenol before your child receives vaccinations....hmmm)

Both boys are down, time to finish cleaning and packing.

Continued prayers for Keaton would be greatly appreciated. As well - that Benjamin doesn't come down with anything, that I would get better (I'm fighting a cold, too. Can't seem to beat it since I'm not getting any rest) and safe travels for this weekend.

3 people have shared!:

Obrian Tallent said...

Praying for you all to get better quickly.
Hope you guys have a great Christmas (and day after!) Be safe on your journeys!


Joanna said...

Only 1 open? That's ridiculous! I know the hospitals always are filled to the brim over the holidays, I can't believe the pedi's don't think about that too... We'll definitely being praying for Keaton!

Phronsie said...

Ick... We give Xavi Motrin before shots, I dunno. He got some tonight 'cos he kept pointing at it while he was sitting on the potty. I dunno if he's got owie teeth or ears or what, or maybe he just likes it. At least you know what's going on with poor Keaton now!