
What is K up to? (pee pee on the potty???)

I added the "pee pee on the potty" so you know what you're getting into when you begin to read this post!

We have a toddler potty (a kid pot as I like to call it) in our hall bathroom. Whenever I use that bathroom, I try to get K to sit on it, just for kicks (for the record: I have NO desire to potty train/potty learn. Pre-B, I was gung ho. B was born...I'm totally fine with 2 in diapers!) Normally, K runs from it screaming and I laugh. Sometimes he'll sit on it and "sing" me a song (??)

Today, I had him sit and he started screaming, but it wasn't "NO, don't make me" screaming, it was screaming combined with him tugging on his pants to get them off...

I figured he'd run away once the pants were off.


He ripped off his diaper, grabbed some toys from the edge of the tub and sat down.

I said, "are you going to pee pee?" He just smiled and seconds later...there it was...

Granted it was all over the rim of the kid pot and not IN the pot, but, none the less, he peed on (literally) the potty!

I cleaned him up (along with the kid pot) and let him flush the big toilet (I told him that was the privilege for peeing on the potty)

Then, all the fun was over. I went to put his diaper back on and he HATED that. I mean, I had to practically sit on him to get him to lie still and once it was on (forget the pants!) he was on the floor, kicking, screaming and bawling! Ohhh boy...

So now I don't know what to do. I'm NOT ready to PT him...I don't have the energy for that! But, I don't want to delay something that he wants to do...

Mamas??? Help!

6 people have shared!:

Phronsie said...

We have a seat that fits over the big potty that we've been using on a daily basis for almost a week. I'm not ready for this 'cos school starts back soon and he'll have to start going to mum-mum's and pop-pop's everyday, all day. But I'm so ready to be done with poopy diapers and don't want/can't afford two babies in diapers! We flush the potty too, which he loves, he'll wipe with tp and then toss it in the bowl and when we flush he watches it go down, LOL! Initially he resisted a diaper and I had to resort to swatting his legs (which works but I hate doing it), now he gets down off the potty and lays himself down for a diaper. Pants are a whatever, pick your battles issue and unless it's freezing out (read: below 0) I don't bother. Hopefully he'll start behaving, you could try a bribery/reward system, LOL... I was gunna use stickers since he loves them so much but I don't have to since he wants to do this.

Sylvia Goode Basham said...

If he is interested, I'd try it at home and see if it's as much trouble as you think it is. You might be pleasantly surprised.

Let him know what's up and that this is only for home right now. Especially with the cold weather outside, he will not want to experience frozen pee going down his leg while talking a walk :-)

Anonymous said...

This is totally not a helpful mom comment like the other 2....But you said he will sometimes sing to you on the kid pot. I have a friend who's grandson will only use the kid pot if someone is singing to him. Just recently, his older brother (still not old enough to be in school) provided a guitar solo while he was on the kid pot. But the grandfather had no idea where the boys had gone and was so worried they were doing something/had gone somewhere they shouldn't. He was pleasantly surprised to find them in the bathroom and found the guitar serenading hilarious....as do I!

ChefDruck said...

I say if he's interested, you have to go with it. I was reluctant to potty train my son because I had so much to do with my baby too but it only takes about a week and then life really is so much easier when they can pee on the potty. Especially with boys. And if you miss your window... it might take a long time til you get it back!

Andrea said...

Wow...potty training and you're not even trying!! That sounds pretty good to me. :)

Anonymous said...

I agree that if you don't at least try it now it's going to be a lot harder later -
you know at this age they're always learning and trying to figure out how to do things. Obviously, he's figured out that most people go on the potty and babies go in their diapers (or something in his mind like that) so if you continue to force him to wear diapers my guess is that he will either a) be submissive and learn to be okay with diapers or b) be rebellious and start doing other things he's grown out of also.
Just my thoughts...
maybe what sylvia's saying is a good balance - just trying it at home for now and diapers for "car trips" or something that he can clearly understand...
another option would be pullups which are more "big-boy" feeling and easier for him to learn to put on and take off by himself.
hope that helps :)